Friday, November 26, 2010

the day after thanksgiving

(This picture from last yr my dad with his great grandson)Today, the day after thanksgiving, I spent the day with my son Justin and my Daddy in Orlando at his house. My father was sad yesterday his good dear friend and neighbor was in hospice taking his final breaths on earth. I cant imagine being his age and having to watch all of your friends die, he has missed my mother for 4 yrs now as we all do. The holidays are a reminder of all those we have lost that cannot be at the table with you but it is also the reminder of all you have had over the yrs, they are forever in your memories and heart. I looked across the table to my dad and thought is this our last yr, one never knows, I for the first time in 3 yrs was able to give him good news, though it scared me to tell fear is now that i am cancer free he will feel free to leave.....

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