I'm a fighter for all those who are coming up behind me with breast cancer and all those who are now struggling to survive. I am the face of stage IV breast Cancer we are the forgotten ones though we suffer daily, we look for trails, vaccines, we continue to take chemo and do what ever it takes to have one more day with our families. You don't want to hear this side of breast cancer because its frightening to know that some of us were caught early and we are now charted as "terminal."
I was diagnosed stage II in Aug 08 which means I was caught early and here I am in 2011 not knowing how long i am here on earth for. Breast cancer spread to my lungs, {NO I DONT HAVE LUNG CANCER IVE NEVER SMOKED) , I beat it once, the chemo was the most painful experience of my life it nearly killed me, I couldnt walk for so long im still weak 5 months out from it, and it came back within 3 months . made new nodules in my lungs. A sign to my Dr that I might not win this battle. Chemo is now not an option for me, I am on femera a hormone blocking drug it makes you feel miserable it takes a lot from me but its my only hope of having time. There is a vaccine coming but its probably 5 yrs out in the making, so many of us wont survive long enough to take the vaccine, but knowing that its coming gives hope, it makes me feel like this thief of a disease will soon be eradicated from our earth. The thought that no other woman will suffer like this brings me great joy. I don't want anyone to join the club I am in.
I have been told by many i am an inspiration to them but i don't feel like an inspiration i feel like a mom,sister,friend,aunt,grandmother, I am doing what I feel is the ONLY thing to do, there is no greater high then giving. I will fight, motivate, scream from the rooftops, and use the voice God gave me to spread awareness and hope to all my sisters. This is not over yet and i plan on making a big noise!